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Free Installation & Activation on New Installations
only for Openserve FTTH customers
Terms and conditions apply

goactive fibre
Fibre to the Home
We have partnered up with OpenServe for all our home users! We are proud to have them on board for two reasons: stability and speed… which fits nicely into the Active Fibre uncapped and unshaped model. Along with your package, we are also able to assist with a whole host of Microsoft Office 365 products as well as VOIP offerings.
Promo Extended
FREE Installation and FREE Activation for New Installations
Valid until End of February 2025*All prices include VAT
*Uncapped and Unshaped
*Trenching over 8M will incur a fee of R180 per meter
* Re-Installations are billable (R1250 inclusive of VAT)
*Please note that Active Fibre and OpenServe do not guarantee their speeds or uptime – Fibre to The Home solutions are a best effort service, resulting in no credits for any downtime
*Upgrades / Downgrades are billable at R195 Inclusive Vat
Contact active fibre today